Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

triageActionedTriage Drop DownTraffic LightDays since triageLive Chat CorrespondenceSecondary Care Accept or RejectReason for rejectionReferral ActionRedirect referralReferral DestinationPriorityClinicLocationReferral LetterFile uploadSelect your practiceSelect your practicePatient DetailspxidPatient IDNameDate of birthAgeGenderAccessibility requirementsDriver?Lives alone?Interpreter required?Which language?Summary Care RecordConsent to access the Summary Care Record?Next stepWhat would you like to do?Referral destinationWhat would you like the GP to do?Please provide the relevant information for the GPHow quickly does the patient need to be seen?Which clinic would you like to refer to?What does the patient require?Have they previously been registered SI/SSI?PediatricsOculoplastic conditionIs there corneal involvement?Referring forWhich eyes?PractitionerUser RolePractitioner IDHow long have they had symptoms?Working diagnosisIs the patient symptomatic?FeaturesRefer for additional conditionTest TypeTest TypeVA - Without GlassesVA Without Glasses Show FieldsRight Eye (without glasses)Right Eye (without glasses)Left Eye (without glasses)Left Eye (without glasses)Both Eyes Open (without glasses)Both Eyes Open (without glasses)VA - With GlassesVA With Glasses Show FieldsRight Eye (with glasses)Right Eye (with glasses)Left Eye (with glasses)Left Eye (with glasses)Both eyes open (with glasses)Both eyes open (with glasses)VA - With PinholeVA With Pinhole Show FieldsRight Eye (with pinhole)Right Eye (with pinhole)Left Eye (with pinhole)Left Eye (with pinhole)RefractionUntitledREUntitledSphUntitledCylUntitledAxisUntitledPRISMUntitledDirectionUntitledUntitledUntitledSphUntitledCylUntitledAxisUntitledPRISMUntitledDirectionUntitledNear Vision AddNear Vision Add Show FieldsNV AddNear Vision AcuitiesNear Vision Acuities Show FieldsRight EyeLeft EyeBoth EyesOcular ExaminationOcular Examination Show FieldsOcular MotilityUntitledOcular Motility CommentsPupilsPupils commentsAmsler ChartAmsler Chart Show FieldsRight EyeLeft EyeAmsler Chart CommentsColour VisionView Colour VisionRight EyeLeft EyeColour Vision CommentsIOPMethodTimeRight Eye (mmHg)Left Eye (mmHg)DropsDrops show fieldsDropsExternalExternal show fieldsRight EyeLeft EyeExternal CommentsExternal CommentsAnterior SegmentRight EyeLeft EyeAbnormal Anterior Segment CommentsGonioscopyGonioscopy show fieldsRight EyeOutcome Tracking StatusSecondary Care FindingsSecondary Care DiagnosisSecondary Care TreatmentSecondary Care Management
Not acknowledgedSelect the practice that you are working on behalf of. Johnson's Opticians - 123 Springvale Road1561415614Lynda ONION12/10/198338female
  • Learning difficulties
  • Yes
NoWe can send the patient's Summary Care Record held by their GP practice with the referral. The patient must give their consent to allow us to access the SCR.Make a referral to secondary care48 Hours - EmergencyAcute suspected diabetic macular oedemaREadministratorSnellen
  • Show fields
6 / 486 / 606 / 6
  • Show fields
6 / 126 / 9.56 / 4.8
  • Show fields
6 / 246 / 24Where required


  • Show fields
N6N14N24Enter right eye and left eye below.Enter right eye and left eye below.ICare11:364150Referral received at booking office
Not acknowledgedSelect the practice that you are working on behalf of. Johnson's Opticians - 123 Springvale Road1536715367Peter FOY08/12/195467male
  • Hearing difficulties
  • Yes
  • Yes
We can send the patient's Summary Care Record held by their GP practice with the referral. The patient must give their consent to allow us to access the SCR.Make a referral to secondary careEMMS GLAUCOMA BOOKABLE SERVICE - 6 miles away6 Weeks - RoutineAcute anisocoriaLEadministratorSuspect COAG
  • Elevated IOP
  • Show fields
6 / 966 / 156 / 5
  • Show fields
Not possibleNot possibleNot possibleWhere required


  • Show fields
2.50Enter right eye and left eye below.Enter right eye and left eye below.GAT13:05919Appointment booked
triageActionedTriage Drop DownTraffic LightDays since triageLive Chat CorrespondenceSecondary Care Accept or RejectReason for rejectionReferral ActionRedirect referralReferral DestinationPriorityClinicLocationReferral LetterFile uploadSelect your practiceSelect your practicePatient DetailspxidPatient IDNameDate of birthAgeGenderAccessibility requirementsDriver?Lives alone?Interpreter required?Which language?Summary Care RecordConsent to access the Summary Care Record?Next stepWhat would you like to do?Referral destinationWhat would you like the GP to do?Please provide the relevant information for the GPHow quickly does the patient need to be seen?Which clinic would you like to refer to?What does the patient require?Have they previously been registered SI/SSI?PediatricsOculoplastic conditionIs there corneal involvement?Referring forWhich eyes?PractitionerUser RolePractitioner IDHow long have they had symptoms?Working diagnosisIs the patient symptomatic?FeaturesRefer for additional conditionTest TypeTest TypeVA - Without GlassesVA Without Glasses Show FieldsRight Eye (without glasses)Right Eye (without glasses)Left Eye (without glasses)Left Eye (without glasses)Both Eyes Open (without glasses)Both Eyes Open (without glasses)VA - With GlassesVA With Glasses Show FieldsRight Eye (with glasses)Right Eye (with glasses)Left Eye (with glasses)Left Eye (with glasses)Both eyes open (with glasses)Both eyes open (with glasses)VA - With PinholeVA With Pinhole Show FieldsRight Eye (with pinhole)Right Eye (with pinhole)Left Eye (with pinhole)Left Eye (with pinhole)RefractionUntitledREUntitledSphUntitledCylUntitledAxisUntitledPRISMUntitledDirectionUntitledUntitledUntitledSphUntitledCylUntitledAxisUntitledPRISMUntitledDirectionUntitledNear Vision AddNear Vision Add Show FieldsNV AddNear Vision AcuitiesNear Vision Acuities Show FieldsRight EyeLeft EyeBoth EyesOcular ExaminationOcular Examination Show FieldsOcular MotilityUntitledOcular Motility CommentsPupilsPupils commentsAmsler ChartAmsler Chart Show FieldsRight EyeLeft EyeAmsler Chart CommentsColour VisionView Colour VisionRight EyeLeft EyeColour Vision CommentsIOPMethodTimeRight Eye (mmHg)Left Eye (mmHg)DropsDrops show fieldsDropsExternalExternal show fieldsRight EyeLeft EyeExternal CommentsExternal CommentsAnterior SegmentRight EyeLeft EyeAbnormal Anterior Segment CommentsGonioscopyGonioscopy show fieldsRight EyeOutcome Tracking StatusSecondary Care FindingsSecondary Care DiagnosisSecondary Care TreatmentSecondary Care Management